Inspire the next generation. Help animals. Strengthen an enduring legacy.
You can help the Center educate and inspire children, families, and students of all ages by making a donation. Financial contributions help to provide programs and classes, live animal exhibits, care for resident animals, and treatment for injured wildlife. Lake Erie Nature & Science Center is a nonprofit organization that is funded by donations, grants, and class fees.
How to make a donation
Send a donation in the mail to:
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center
28728 Wolf Road
Bay Village, OH 44140

Matching Gifts:
Ask your employer about matching your donation. Obtain a matching gift form from your employer and send it to the Center with your donation.
Donor-Advised Funds:
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center accepts grants from donor-advised funds. The Center is a nonprofit organization, Tax ID #34-0845030.

Memorial Tribute/Gifts:
Honor or remember a friend or a loved one with a donation to Lake Erie Nature & Science Center. Please provide the name of the honoree, and the name and address of the person to be notified of your gesture (but not the amount).
Stock/Appreciated Securities:
Donations of stock may be arranged by calling 440-871-2900 x201 to request transfer instructions.
Donation with an Individual Retirement Account (IRA):
You can make a distribution from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) as a “qualified charitable distribution”. This may be of interest to people 70 ½ years of age or older. Provide instructions for a charitable rollover to your IRA custodian. The Center is a nonprofit organization, Tax ID #34-0845030.
Our Ratings:
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center is a nonprofit organization. Tax ID #34-0845030
Donor Privacy Policy | Gift Acceptance Policy
Recurring Gifts: To adjust frequency or cancel your recurring gift, please email or call 440-871-2900.