Astronomy Club: November Newsletter

November 30, 2019

Posted by Lake Erie Nature and Science Center

A change in the air…

There are leaves on the ground and a chill in the air. The holiday season is near and with it arises the inevitable stress and anxiety associated with family events, company parties, financial “stretching” and all the other things that occur this time of year. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with planning and organizing over the next few weeks. Personally, when life gets stressful, I always go out and look at the night sky for some peace and perspective. Since, here in good ole’ Northeast Ohio, there is strong chance you may not see clear skies for weeks, make sure you have a way to remain grounded and mindful of where you are right now. Focus on what and who is important to you at this moment in time. It doesn’t take an Astronomer to tell you that the Sun rises everyday and with it is the chance to learn something new and give the gift of sharing what you know.

– Bill

News and Current Events

High speed internet at what price? – On November 11, SpaceX , using a single rocket, launched 60 new satellites into orbit. Starlink is the SpaceX program to start offer broadband internet globally starting in 2020. Phase 2 of the Starlink program brought the total number of satellites it has in low Earth orbit up to 120. Phase 1 launched back in May. With a current plan for a constellation of 12,000 satellites and possibly 30,000 more, what does this mean for the future of ground-based astronomy? These objects reflect a substantial amount of light that can be seen with the naked eye. With these current satellites already causing issues for astronomical observations, does this mean that the end is near for Earth-based astronomical science?

Farewell to RTMC – The Riverside Astronomy Expo (know to most as the Riverside Telescope Makers Conference) is a well-loved annual event held at Big Bear Lake in Southern California. For 50 years, amateur astronomers and telescope builders came together for one of the largest star parties and conventions in the United States. It peaked at over 2,000 attendees in the 90’s but dwindled to less than 500 in recent years. With shrinking attendance, 2019 marked the final gathering. This was my favorite event to attend and really got me started in building my own telescopes. Farewell RTMC and thanks for all the great times, inspiration and memories.

Gadgets and Gear

Need juice? – While growing in the hobby of amateur astronomy, you will find that, over time, you will start accumulating gadgets and gear, most of which require power. From computers, cell phones and telescopes to electric socks, the options are endless. While some can be battery powered most will be more convenient to run on external power. Many options are available from lead-acid portable batteries, like the inexpensive but heavy car jump starters, to more expensive lithium power supplies. When choosing external power packs, consider cost, weight, frequency of usage, maintenance and especially types of power connections whether it be USB, 12v, or 120VAC.

Astro-tainment – Space and Media

This month we reviewed the movie “Moon.”

An astronaut miner on the Moon reaches the end of his solo 3-year tour but things are not quite as they seem. Delving into topics such as Moon mining, long term isolation and the ability of humans to stay sane in space, this is one to check out.

Mind-blowing Facts

The amazing human body – Your largest organ is your skin. Covering 22 square feet, it sheds 600,000 particles every hour. That is 1.5 lbs. each year. By the time you are 70 years old, you will have lost about 105 lbs. of skin… the equivalent of one 7th grader. You are also born with 350 bones in your skeleton but by the time you are an adult, there will be only 206. In 2015, astronaut Mark Kelly spent a year in space. When he returned home, he was 2 inches taller than his identical twin who remained on Earth. On a 10-month journey to Mars, you could lose up to 50 percent of your muscle mass. This is why astronauts have to exercise 2.5 hours a day, 7 days a week in space.

Time is precious – The average life expectancy for a baby born in 2019 is 78.7 years. When Apollo 11 landed on the Moon in 1968, it was 67 years. At the time of the stock market crash in 1929, it was 56. When the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk in 1903, life expectancy was 49. When our forefathers signed this great nation into existence in 1776, life expectancy was 36 years old. Despite shorter lives, our ancestors learned, discovered and accomplished many great things that contribute to our civilization today. With your substantially longer lifespan, what are you spending your time doing?

Winter Wildlife

November 21, 2019

Posted by Lake Erie Nature and Science Center

Northeast Ohio winters call for heavy coats, heated automobiles and cozy fires to escape the cold.

What about wildlife? How do animals cope with the harsh conditions of winter? Director of Wildlife, Amy LeMonds, is here to answer some of the most common questions she receives at the Center.

Where does wildlife go?

Over time, wildlife has evolved and adapted to the climatic changes in their habitats. Animals who cannot cope with winter’s conditions have developed different mechanisms for survival. For example, some animals hibernate throughout the entire winter, while others migrate south to a warmer place.

When an animal hibernates, it drops its body temperature and heart rate to enter a deep sleep. Woodchucks, turtles and snakes are common hibernators in Northeast Ohio.

“Woodchucks drop their body temperature into the low 40s, taking only one breath every six minutes,” says LeMonds.  “Painted turtles burrow into the underwater mud and stay submerged for up to five months, surviving by absorbing tiny amounts of oxygen through their skin.”

Migrating birds – and some bats – spend a great deal of energy traveling to the southern states and even Central America to find warmer climates and nutrient-rich habitats.

What about wildlife that stay active in Northeast Ohio?

Many mammals in Northeast Ohio undergo short periods of dormancy during harsh conditions, involving a series of mini-hibernations where they den up for many days and wake to forage for food when conditions are milder. Squirrels, skunks and raccoons use this strategy.

Other animals simply deal with the winter and survive due to their special adaptations. The Red Fox grows a thick undercoat of fur, while the Snowshoe Hare’s coat transforms to white to provide warmth and camouflage. 

How do wild animals find food?

Whether hibernating or remaining active, body fat is an important factor in an animal’s survival. Birds and mammals will store and eat extra food in the fall so their bodies can draw energy from fat reserves when resources become scarce.

Changes in diet are also common for wildlife in the winter. Rather than foraging for worms on the ground, American Robins are likely to be seen in the trees foraging for berries. Eastern Cottontails swap out green vegetation, fruits and vegetables for twigs and bark.

Owls choose to hunt when the weather is mild and food is abundant. They can even thaw frozen food by sitting on it, similar to incubating eggs.

Does wildlife need our help this winter?

“Although the winter blizzards and brutal cold can seem unbearable to humans, wildlife is well-adapted to contend with the elements,” says LeMonds. She advises the public to not feed wild animals, as this often causes more harm than good.

Certain animals travel to Ohio just for the winter season! Keep an eye out for Dark-eyed Juncos, White-winged Crossbills and Snowy Owls.

LeMonds and her staff are available to answer wildlife questions at 440-871-2900 or

Topic: Wildlife