Taking Additional Safety Steps

November 24, 2020

Posted by Lake Erie Nature and Science Center

Visitors, Volunteers, Donors, and Friends:

This Thanksgiving, we are grateful to you and the community for your support of Lake Erie Nature & Science Center.

The health of our employees, volunteers, and visitors continues to be the Center’s top priority. The Center is following all recommended safety protocols for you and your family.

We have reduced general admission capacity above and beyond health guidelines and are limiting hours Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration is required in advance of your visit at www.lensc.org.

To exercise further caution after the Thanksgiving holiday, capacity for general admission will be further reduced to allow for more space between visitors. In-person programming is temporarily cancelled beginning Friday, November 27th which includes preschool family programs, planetarium shows, and guided exhibit tours.

All employees, volunteers and visitors are required to wear face masks, maintain a distance of 6 feet from others, and self-monitor for symptoms prior to arrival. Hand sanitizing stations and hand washing facilities continue to be available throughout the building.

The Center continues to offer contactless wildlife rehabilitation services at no charge to the public. For wildlife questions or concerns, please call 440-871-2900 x204 or email wildlife@lensc.org

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. You are encouraged to take advantage of Nature To-Go Kits and other activities available at www.lensc.org, as we continue to look ahead and create new ways to serve you.

Wishing you good health and well-being this Thanksgiving holiday.


Catherine Timko signature

Catherine Timko

Executive Director

Topic: News, Programs

5 ways for children and families to enjoy nature this winter

November 23, 2020

Posted by Lake Erie Nature and Science Center

Winter is on the horizon, but your outdoor fun doesn’t need to come to an end. There is a beautiful winter world awaiting for those who seek refreshment and energy from the outdoors. Below are five ways you and your family can enjoy nature this winter, despite the chilly temperatures.

Go stargazing

Winter skies can be the clearest of the year and the richest in stars. In addition to winter constellations such as Orion, Canis Major and the bright star Sirius, Canis Minor and Gemini the Twins, this season you can observe The Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter.

Go outside and look toward the south/southwest, where you will see two objects shining brighter than any surrounding stars. The brighter one is Jupiter and the dimmer one is Saturn.

These two planets are 400 million miles apart, but currently in the same part of the sky (this conjunction happens only once every 20 years).

Over the next few weeks, Jupiter and Saturn will become closer together. On Dec. 21, they will be 0.1 degree apart — there is no correlation to the winter solstice, only a happy coincidence.

Make an ice sun catcher

Get outside and decorate! National Geographic Kids offers instructions on how to create a natural ice sun catcher to display in your yard. All you need for this simple craft is a Bundt pan, bits of nature (pine needles, berries, colorful leaves) and a ribbon. Just like a snowflake, no two sun catchers are alike.

Take a nature walk

Bundle up on a cold day and head to your favorite hiking trail, where a whole new ecosystem is waiting to be explored.

Scavenger hunts are a great way to keep your little ones motivated on nature walks. Create a simple list of things to look for — a pinecone, an animal track, a feather — and offer a treat once it’s complete.

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center offers printable nature scavenger hunts at www.lensc.org.

Read a story around the fire

We tend to associate outdoor fires with summertime and s’mores, but this can be a perfect winter activity on the right night (with correct safety precautions taken, of course!).

Gather around the fire with blankets and hot chocolate, and read a seasonal story such as “Snowmen at Night” by Caralyn Buehner or “Bear Snores On” by Karma Wilson.

Go birding

Looking and listening for birds in winter offers the benefit of trees not having leaves, making it easier to spot birds. Some birds may have migrated south for the season, but those that have stayed offer much to see and hear.

If you prefer to watch birds from indoors, you can attract them to your yard with a classic bird feeder recipe: a pinecone, peanut butter, birdseed and a string.