New exhibit features tree-dwelling master of camouflage

October 25, 2021

Posted by Lake Erie Nature and Science Center

Rough Green Snakes video thumbnail
Rough Green Snakes on exhibit at Lake Erie Nature & Science Center. 

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center has a new species of animal on exhibit. A nimble, lime-green predator with beady eyes that likes to slink about in trees and bushes. Yet, despite the exotic sounding description, this is not a creature of the tropical jungle, but a native Ohio reptile known as the Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus).

Tim Jasinski, Wildlife Rehabilitation Coordinator at Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, explains that this snake species is normally found in southern Ohio while the related and visually similar Smooth Green Snake (Opheodrys vernalis) is more often found in northern Ohio. However, Rough Green Snakes were chosen for this exhibit because of their active climbing habit which is perfect for the tall exhibit space.

“It’s a very cool species that we’ve wanted for a long time,” says Jasinski. “They are a diurnal species which means they’re active during the day. Most snakes are typically nocturnal.”

For those who find snakes to be a little spooky, have no fear, Rough Green Snakes are very small and completely harmless. Due to their incredible camouflage and arboreal habitat, even seeing them is a challenge. Bright green scales and a slender body provide the perfect disguise for slithering unnoticed through vegetation in pursuit of insects to eat.

Next time you visit the Center be sure to see how many of these stealthy snakes you can find in the exhibit. Lake Erie Nature & Science Center is open with free admission Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Learn more about the Center and view the current schedule of programming at

Topic: News, Wildlife

Astronomy Club – October 2021

October 14, 2021

Posted by Lake Erie Nature and Science Center

Spot The Station

Example diagram depicting how to find the ISS in the sky.

The weather is getting cooler, and our days are getting shorter. I find that during this time of year, the opportunities to get outside become shorter and further apart. Viewing the International Space Station is a quick way to see something amazing with no equipment required. Simply get online and search for “Spot The Station”. This will take you to a NASA website that forecasts visual observing times to see ISS pass overhead at your location. Using the list of sightings, find a clearing outdoors and look in the direction under “Appears”, at the exact time listed. You will see a bright (not blinking) light slowly and steadily move across the sky. In this point of light are human beings traveling at 17,000 mph around the Earth.

News and Current Events

What’s going on in the world of space and astronomy

First Private Crewed Space Mission Is A Success

Crew of first privately chartered spaceflight

On September 15, SpaceX launched the world’s first privately chartered spaceflight with no professional astronauts onboard. The crew consisted of physician assistant Hayley Arcenaux, data engineer Chris Sembroski, and geoscientist and science communication specialist Sian Proctor. The mission commander was billionaire Jared Isaacman. The four astronauts orbited the Earth for three days splashing down off the coast of Florida on September 18th.


Space and Media


GATTACA Movie poster

This month we reviewed the movie “GATTACA directed by Andrew Niccol

Vincent Freeman has always fantasized about traveling into outer space but is grounded by his status as a genetically inferior.

This film is, in my biased opinion, a classic. Not your typical sci-fi movie lacking lasers and aliens, it explores topics of space travel, genetics and prejudice in a way that is becoming more and more relevant every day.

Wrap your brain around this…

Mind-blowing facts

Depiction of DNA double helix structure

In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix twisted-ladder structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

If uncoiled, all the DNA from a single human cell would be about 8 feet long. Together, all of the cells in your body contain 10 billion miles of tightly coiled DNA.

Long enough to stretch from Earth to Pluto… and back.

This winter, when you feel guilty about “vegging” out on the couch, remember that you share 50% of the same DNA as a cabbage.

Become a member of the Astronomy Club!

Benefits include:

  • Monthly Meetings
  • Telescope Night Presentations
  • Movie Nights
  • Telescope Training and Loan Program

$60/year per family

Contributors And Volunteers Needed!

Have something you would like to talk about? We are looking for folks to contribute to our monthly meeting. Any and all content remotely related to space or space science is welcome. No experience required, just enthusiasm. Please contact me at:

Upcoming Events

Astronomy Club Meeting

Wednesday, October 20 @ 6:30 pm

Telescope Night

Saturday, October 23 @ 7:30 pm

Topic: Astronomy