Category: Teen
5 ways for children and families to enjoy nature this winter
November 23, 2020
Winter is on the horizon, but your outdoor fun doesn’t need to come to an end. There is a beautiful winter world awaiting for those who seek refreshment and energy from the outdoors. Below are five ways…

An Anxiety Guide for Kids, Teens, and Adults: 3 Things You Need to Know
October 7, 2020
By Meghan Barlow, Ph.D. #1 Caveman Brains Cavemen were not known to be very intelligent people. They had smaller brains than humans do today. They were known, and named for, living in caves. When cavemen were at…

Practices to Keep Your Mental Health Intact
August 18, 2020
by Meghan Barlow, Ph.D. There’s no doubt that the circumstances around COVID-19 have increased our risk of mental health problems. Luckily, we have strategies to protect our mental health. Engaging in the following practices are likely to…

Why Is My Anxious Kid So Angry?
June 24, 2020
By Meghan Barlow, Ph.D. It’s easy to recognize that a child hiding behind a parent’s leg, trying to disappear from a friendly stranger’s questions, may be feeling shy and a little anxious at that moment. It’s also…