Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Plants Artemis I Moon Tree
November 20, 2024
Posted by Lake Erie Nature and Science Center

The nonprofit Lake Erie Nature & Science Center has planted an Artemis I Moon Tree as part of a national STEM engagement and conservation education initiative with NASA.
The Nature Center was selected as an Artemis I Moon Tree Steward by NASA after a competitive application process. The Artemis I Moon Tree, a sweetgum seedling, orbited the Moon on the agency’s Artemis I mission in 2022.
NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement partnered with U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Services to fly five species of tree seeds aboard Artemis I including sweetgums, loblolly pines, sycamores, Douglas-firs, and giant sequoias. The seeds from the first Artemis mission have been nurtured by the USDA into seedlings to be a source of inspiration for the Artemis Generation.
The Moon Tree education initiative is rooted in the legacy of Apollo 14 Moon Tree seeds flown in lunar orbit over 50 years ago by the late Stuart Roosa, a NASA astronaut. NASA chose institutions for Artemis I Moon Trees based on their ability to maximize educational opportunities around the life and growth of the tree in their communities. The Artemis I Moon Trees have found new homes in over 150 communities and counting since spring 2024. Lake Erie Nature & Science Center’s Moon Tree was planted on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center serves more than 102,000 people each year through free general admission to exhibits, nature-based education programming, and wildlife rehabilitation services at no charge to the public. It is home to one of two public-access planetariums in Cuyahoga County and offers space science programming for toddlers through adults.
“At Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, we encourage everyone to discover the universe in their own backyard,” says Planetarium and Program Coordinator Katy Downing. “The planting of the Artemis I Moon Tree in front of our nature center provides us with a piece of NASA history and a lasting connection to the Artemis generation.”
The Artemis I Moon Tree will be monitored and maintained by Lake Erie Nature & Science Center staff. Visitors can look forward to new programming that encourages learning and growing with the Moon Tree.
In honor of the new Artemis I Moon Tree, Lake Erie Nature & Science Center will host a Moon Tree Celebration on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 with a special selection of Moon-themed planetarium programming and space science activities for all ages.
Moon Tree Celebration Schedule:
10:30 AM – Wonders of Wildlife
11:00 AM – Sky Safari
11:30 AM – Twinkle Tots
12:00 PM – Stellar Stars
1:00 PM – Sky Tonight
2:00 PM – Forward! To the Moon (Full Dome Show)
Fee: $5/person for each program. Children 6 months and under are free. Additional space science activities will be available throughout the Nature Center as a part of free general admission.
More information about Artemis I Moon Trees is available through NASA.