Continuing a Legacy of Learning for Future Generations
Contributions to the Center’s Endowment Fund help to ensure learning opportunities for future generations. The Endowment is a long term investment managed by the Center’s Board of Directors through a professional investment management firm. A Board-approved spending policy directs support to the operations each year while allowing the investments to grow through earnings for the long term. Donations to the Endowment Fund may be made with cash, credit card, stock donations, IRA accounts, donor-advised funds, and legal intentions such as a will or a bequest. Donations may also be made with assets or real estate.
Tax ID #34-0845030

Ways to Give to the Endowment Fund
Individual Retirement Account
If you are aged 70 ½ and older, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) allows you to meet your required minimum distribution and reach your charitable giving goals using your IRA. Using a QCD, you may transfer up to $100,000 tax-free each year from your traditional individual retirement account directly to qualified charities such as Lake Erie Nature & Science Center.
How to give a QCD from your IRA: Contact your IRA administrator to set up a transfer from your account by check. Provide your IRA administrator with the organization name Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, address at 28728 Wolf Road, Bay Village, Ohio 44140 and tax identification number 34-0845030. To designate your donation to the Endowment Fund, please notify your IRA administrator or inform us with a letter or phone call to 440-871-2900.
Donor Advised Fund Grant
If you have a donor advised fund (DAF) with a community foundation or other sponsoring organization, you may recommend a grant to Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, which is a nonprofit organization.
How to direct a grant from your Donor Advised Fund: Contact your financial advisor about your gift intention and provide the organization name Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, address at 28728 Wolf Road, Bay Village, Ohio 44140 and tax identification number 34-0845030. To designate your DAF grant to the Endowment Fund, please notify your financial advisor or inform us with a letter or phone call to 440-871-2900.
Bequest in Your Will
You can use your will or living trust to extend your support Lake Erie Nature & Science Center by making a specific or residuary bequest. Through a specific bequest, you can name a particular dollar amount or percentage of your estate to be given to the Nature Center. Through a residuary bequest, you can give all or part of what remains after you provide for your loved ones.
How to support Lake Erie Nature & Science Center using a bequest in your will: Provide this sample language to your estate planning attorney to add your gift to your newly created will or to update your existing will through a document called a codicil.
Sample language: “I hereby give to Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, a nonprofit 501c3 organization with a business address of 28728 Wolf Road, Bay Village, Ohio 44140, and a tax identification number of 34-0845030, the sum of $_________ [or otherwise describe the gift, assets or percentage] to be used for general purposes.”
Beneficiary Designations
You can designate Lake Erie Nature & Science Center as a beneficiary for your life insurance, IRA accounts, donor advised fund, trust, mutual fund, or retirement assets as a primary or secondary beneficiary. This designation can often be made through online documentation through a change-of-beneficiary form or by consulting with your financial advisor, insurance agents, financial planner, or estate planning attorney.
How to designate Lake Erie Nature & Science Center as a beneficiary: You may designate the beneficiary of your assets using an online form or by contacting your advisor. Provide the organization name Lake Erie Nature & Science Center as a primary or secondary beneficiary including the address at 28728 Wolf Road, Bay Village, Ohio 44140, and tax identification number 34-084503
Stock Donation
You may contribute stocks and securities to Lake Erie Nature & Science Center as a charitable donation, and you may direct your donation to the Endowment Fund, general purpose, or special projects. Your broker or financial advisor can provide you with information about potential tax benefits of donating stock to a nonprofit organization.
How to donate stocks and securities: For details about completing a stock transfer donation to the Nature Center, please contact us at or 440-871-2900.
Your donation to the Endowment Fund may be made with a check payable to Lake Erie Nature & Science Center.
How to donate to the Endowment Fund with a check: Mail your check to Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, 28728 Wolf Road, Bay Village, Ohio 44140. Include a note describing your intention to support the Endowment Fund at Lake Erie Nature & Science Center.
Credit Card
You can make a donation using the website through a secure online form.
How to donate to the Endowment Fund with a credit card: Visit and select the Donate option found at the top of the page. Complete the online form and enter your credit card number. Use the Comment section to designate your contribution to the Endowment Fund